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24 Aug 2009

Ganesha Chathurthi

One of my favourite festivals. I love the festivities, the goodies, the 'seeing 101 Ganeshas for good fortune' and other tales that go with it. I even love the noise & fanfare on the streets that goes on for days. There's something about this festival that's so cheerful, so colourful, so beautiful.

I remember the bus journeys in my Mumbai days where I'd pass by hundreds of Ganpathi idols all along my way from home to office. Each 'pandal' decorated, predominently with flowers, loud music blaring from each tent singing praises of the Lord. It's not so much different down here in Bangalore either, except that the number of 'pandals' is probably lesser. Now that I've moved to this new locality, we have atleast 5 different groups organizing the celebrations, so it goes on for days - 3 days per group, one after another, at a minimum.

Then there is the Ganpathi Visarjan, which is equally grand... as you take a procession down the road, the assorted music & the street dance, all the people, it's simply amazing.

Ganapathi Bappa Moraya!

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