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16 Aug 2009

A Place Called Here

I read an old friend's blog today & it made me realize how far I have gone from what I used to write. I miss that! She has continued to write since the early days, albeit with intermissions of varying lengths. What struck me was that the style and the mood has been preserved while the writing itself has improved by leaps and bounds. I envy her, really do!

Along the road I've taken, I've varied my priorities numerous times. Each time, writing has taken a back seat. On many occasions, it's been primarily with the intention of swimming with the tide and getting to the safety of the shore as soon as possible. At times, it's been the ups and downs of emotion, which set the mood and altered the style entirely. When I turned back one day, I'd walked so far away, leaving behind my happier days and found myself at a loss for the pretty words that constituted my style.

Nevertheless, I'm writing again. A different style, less creative and less imaginative, mostly reflections or ramblings acting as some sort of an outlet to the pent up conversations in my head. Maybe, in time, as the mind empties into these blogs and the cobwebs are cleared, I will be able to retrace my path and reach into the almost forgotten corners. As Cecilia Ahern might say, one day I will go to 'A Place Called Here' and find what I've lost.

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